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Mobile Payments Can Change Your Shopping Experience

In a recent post on Forbes.com, Henry Helgeson, CEO and co-founder of Merchant Warehouse, talked about why businesses should care about mobile payments, despite the idea being slow to catch on.

Helgeson notes that people are happy to pay with cash and credit cards because it’s comfortable and familiar, but mobile payments can help enhance their shopping experience, even if customers aren’t taking out their phone when it comes time to pay….yet.

So, even if people aren’t interested in mobile payments right now, why should you care? Helgeson lays out the reasons:

Mobile technology allows businesses to inform customers of loyalty program awards “early and often, with a personal touch.” Mobile payment apps with data-collecting abilities will help you give customers more of what they want, rather than generic, broad-based rewards.

Location-enabled services in mobile payment apps ensure that customers receive promotion information when it will be most effective: while they are in the store, contemplating potential purchases. In addition, customers looking for certain products could use mobile payment apps to help them locate the stores in the nearby vicinity that carry that item. This is a huge timesaver for customers, who will surely appreciate that they didn’t need to call around to different stores to find what they were looking for.

Helgeson is correct in his reasoning. Even if people prefer to stick with the payment methods they already know and love—there are many ways mobile payment technology can help improve your business.